
48 Cambridge Road
Bellerive TAS 7018

Hobart Skin Cancer Clinic

46a Cambridge Road
Bellerive TAS 7018

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Dragons Abreast Corporate Regatta Day 2019

Monday, 25 February 2019 - 12:33pm

Eastern Shore Doctors and Hobart Skin Cancer clinic have a mission: "improving the health of our community" and so it was with great enthusiasm that we participated in this corporate day and supported the "Dragons Abreast" organisation who embody this mission with their fun, fitness and survivor support. 

It was a perfect day, sunny but not too hot, and just a soft breeze.  16 teams competed in what was an incredibly well organized day and well supported by the team of people from Dragons Abreast.  They managed to get us into the boats, and amazingly turned us into a slick paddling team. 

The boats paddled in with a thrilling finish!  And although we didn't win, nobody really cared because we had such a fun day!